Before sharing a workbook, it's important to check for spelling errors. Excel has a Spell Check tool to help you find and fix mistakes.

Optional: You can download our practice workbook to try these features.

The Spell Check tool in Excel works differently than in Microsoft Word. It doesn’t check for grammar mistakes or highlight errors as you type. However, it’s still useful for finding spelling problems.

How to Use Spell Check:

  1. Go to the Review tab and click Spelling.

  2. The Spelling dialog box will open. It will show spelling errors and suggestions for corrections.

  3. Select a suggestion and click Change to fix the error.

  4. When all errors are reviewed, click OK to close the tool.

You can also type the correct spelling manually if no suggestions fit.

Ignoring Spelling "Errors":

Sometimes Spell Check marks correct words as errors, like names or uncommon words. You can handle this in three ways:

  • Ignore Once: Skip the word without making changes.
  • Ignore All: Skip the word and all its repeats in the workbook.
  • Add: Add the word to Excel’s dictionary so it won't be marked as an error again.

Always check the word carefully before adding it to the dictionary.

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