Adobe PageMaker is a Desktop Publishing program that can be used to set page-layout text design using a Personal Computer (PC). It helps one produce professional-looking publications. 

Starting Adobe PageMaker

1. Click the Start button.
2. Open the Adobe group, then click Adobe PageMaker 7.0.

The PageMaker program starts, and automatically displays the Document Setup dialog box for your new publication.

3. In the document setup dialog box, specify the publication setup options.
    • In the Page size list box, select the appropriate page size. The dimensions of the page size you select are displayed in the Dimensions text boxes.
    • Click a button to specify the page orientation. 
Select "Tall" (for Portrait), or "Wide" (for Landscape).
    • Click the Numbers button to display the Page Numbering dialog box, where you define or change the page numbering style for your publication.
    • In the Start Page #, type the starting page number for your publication.
    • In the Number of Pages list box, type the number of pages you initially want in the publication. You can add or delete pages later.
    • In Compose to Printer, choose the name of the printer you will use to print the final copy of your publication.
    • Under Margins, specify the placement of page margins.
(a). Double-sided lets you format your publication for printing on either one or both- sides of the paper.

If you select Double-sided, then set inside and outside margins to accommodate binding on pages that will be printed on two sides.

Inside margins are on the right-side of the left pages & on the left side of the right pages.

Outside margins are on the left-side of the left pages & on the right side of the right pages.

To Print your publication on one side of the paper, Double-sided should be unchecked.

(b). Facing pages lets you display & work on left and right pages together. This option is available only if Double-sided is selected.

4. Click OK to apply the selected options, and display the publication window.

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