When people hear the word "computer," they often think of a desktop or laptop. But computers come in many shapes and sizes. They also have many uses in our daily lives. For example, an ATM is a type of computer. Scanning groceries at a store also uses a computer. Even a calculator is a simple kind of computer.

Desktop Computers

Many people use desktop computers at work, home, and school. Desktop computers are made to sit on a desk. They usually have a few main parts. These include the computer case, monitor, keyboard, and mouse.

Laptop Computers

Another type of computer you might know is a laptop. Laptops are often called portable computers. They run on batteries and are easy to carry. This makes it possible to use them almost anywhere.

Tablet Computers

Tablet computers, or tablets, are small and easy to carry. They are more portable than laptops. Tablets do not have a keyboard or mouse. Instead, they use a touch screen to type and navigate. The iPad is an example of a tablet.


A server is a computer that provides information to other computers on a network. For example, when you use the internet, you're viewing information stored on a server. Many businesses also use file servers. These servers store and share files within the company.

Other types of computers

Many of today’s electronics are special types of computers, even though we don’t always think of them that way. Here are some common examples:

Smartphones: Many cell phones can do things that computers do, like browsing the internet and playing games. These phones are called smartphones.

Wearables: Wearable technology includes devices like fitness trackers and smartwatches. These devices are designed to be worn all day. People often call them wearables for short.

Game Consoles: A game console is a type of computer used to play video games on your TV.

TVs: Many modern TVs have apps that let you access online content. For example, you can stream videos from the internet directly onto your TV.

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