Save and Save As in Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word gives you two ways to save a file: Save and Save As. These options are similar but have key differences.

  • Save

The Save command updates your document with the latest changes. The first time you save, you must choose a file name and location. After that, clicking Save will update the file in the same place.

  • Save As

The Save As command creates a copy of your document. This keeps the original file unchanged. You must choose a new name or location for the copied file.

Saving with OneDrive

Microsoft Word lets you save files online using OneDrive. This helps you access your documents from any device. To use OneDrive, sign in with your Microsoft account.

How to Save a Document

  1. Click the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar.

  2. If saving for the first time, the Save As window appears.
  3. Choose where to save the file (your computer or OneDrive).

  4. Enter a file name and click Save.

  5. Press Ctrl + S anytime to save changes quickly.

Using Save As to Make a Copy

If you need a second version of a document, use Save As. This keeps the original safe. For example, you can save "Sales Report" as "Sales Report 2" to create a new version.

To do this:

  1. Click Save As in Backstage view.
  2. Pick a new location (if needed).
  3. Enter a new file name.
  4. Click Save.

Now you have two versions of the file—one original and one edited copy.

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