The Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar help you perform common tasks in Excel. The Backstage View gives you options to save, open, print, or share your file.

The Ribbon

Excel 2016 uses a tabbed Ribbon system instead of traditional menus. The Ribbon has several tabs, and each tab contains groups of commands. You will use these tabs to complete most tasks in Excel.

  • Each tab has one or more groups of commands.
  • Some groups have an arrow for more options.
  • To see more commands, click a tab.

You can also adjust how the Ribbon is displayed using the Ribbon Display Options menu.

Adjusting the Ribbon Display

The Ribbon can change based on the task you are working on. You can also minimize it if it takes up too much space.

To change how the Ribbon is displayed:

  1. Click the Ribbon Display Options arrow in the top-right corner of the Ribbon.
  2. Choose from three display modes:
  • Auto-hide Ribbon: Hides the Ribbon completely. Your workbook is shown in full-screen mode. To show the Ribbon, click the Expand Ribbon command at the top of the screen.

  • Show Tabs: Hides all command groups, but the tabs stay visible. Click any tab to show the Ribbon.

  • Show Tabs and Commands: Shows all tabs and commands. This is the default setting when you first open Excel.

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