PageMaker provides three ways of adding graphics to a publication:

1. Drawing lines, ovals, circles, squares, rectangles, etc on a page using the drawing tools.
2. Importing pictures from other applications into a PageMaker publication using the Place command.
3. Pasting all or part of a graphic from another publication using a Clipboard.

(a). Drawing using the Toolbox.  
        The toolbox has several graphic drawing tools.  
            Tool                  used to draw  
Line tool                     a line at any angle. 
Constrained tool         a line at either 450 or 900. 
Rectangle tool            rectangle or a square. 
Polygon tool               polygons (many-sided figures). 
Ellipse tool                 ovals or circles.  

Note. To draw a perfect square or circle, hold down the SHIFT as you draw with the Rectangle or Ellipse tool.

(b). Importing graphics from other applications.  
PageMaker allows a person to import pictures directly from another file or application by using a process called Placing. 

In most cases, graphic files are created in graphical-based desktop publishers or picture editing software, and then imported into PageMaker.  

To import a graphic:  
1. If you want to place the graphic in a frame, click to select the frame using the Pointer tool. 
2. Click on File, then choose Place. 
3. Select the file you want to place, then click the Open button. The cursor changes to become a loaded icon. 
4. Click anywhere on the pasteboard using the Pointer tool to place the new graphic.  

(c). Pasting graphics from Clipboard.  
1. Select the graphic you want to move or copy. 
2. Click on Edit, choose Cut or Copy. 
3. In your publication, position the insertion point where you want to place the object. 
4. Choose Paste from the Edit menu, then grab the graphic from the Pasteboard and drag it to where you want it on the publication.  

Note. Graphics can be pasted from publications like CorelDraw and Paint.