Are you worried about typing mistakes? Don't be! Microsoft Word has tools to help you. The Spelling and Grammar check helps you find and fix errors.

*Download our practice document.

How to Run Spelling and Grammar Check

  1. Click the Review tab.
  2. Click Spelling & Grammar.

  3. A pane will open on the right. It will show errors and suggestions.

  4. Click Change to fix an error.
  5. Word will check the whole document. When done, a message will appear. Click OK.

If no suggestions are given, you can type the correct word yourself.

Ignoring Errors

Sometimes, Word marks words as errors even if they are correct. This happens with names or special words. You can choose to ignore them.

For spelling errors:

  • Ignore – Skip this word.
  • Ignore All – Skip this word every time it appears.
  • Add – Add this word to the dictionary.

For grammar errors:

  • Ignore – Skip the error without changing it.

Word may also explain some grammar mistakes. You can read the explanation and decide what to do.

Automatic Spelling and Grammar Check

Word checks your document as you type. It uses colored lines to mark errors:

  • Red line – Spelling mistake.
  • Blue line – Grammar mistake or misused word.

A misused word is spelled right but used incorrectly. Example:

  • "Deer Mr. Smith" (incorrect)
  • "Dear Mr. Smith" (correct)

Fixing Errors Quickly

For spelling mistakes:

  • Right-click the underlined word.
  • Choose the correct spelling.
  • The word will be fixed.

For grammar mistakes:

  • Right-click the underlined phrase.

  • Choose the correct phrase.
  • The phrase will be fixed.

Changing Spell Check Settings

  1. Click File > Options.

  2. Click Proofing on the left.

  3. Change the settings as needed.
  4. Click OK.

Hiding Errors in a Document

If you don’t want others to see red and blue lines:

  1. Click File > Options.
  2. Click Proofing.
  3. Check the boxes Hide spelling errors and Hide grammar errors.

  4. Click OK.