Column guides help the user to divide a large page into columns that make the publication look more organized.

Columns are mostly used in designing large publications, newspapers, and journals.

Differences between margin guides and column guides.

 Margin guides are around the edges of the printable page, while column guides may split the
page at the center.
 PageMaker marks margins with a blue line, but column guides are marked with pink coloured

To set up columns on a particular page;

1. Move to the page in which you want to set up the columns or move to the master page.
2. Click on Layout, then select Column Guides.

To setup column guides separately in a publication with double-sided facing pages, select the
Set Left and Right Pages Separately, then set different columns for each page.

3. Type the number of columns you want on the page, and specify the space you want between columns (called the Gutter). If you are setting left and right pages separately, enter values for both pages.

4. Select Adjust Layout if you want existing text and graphics on the page to adjust so as to align with the revised column setup.
5. Click OK.

PageMaker will automatically create the specified number of columns, equally spaced (i.e., of identical widths), and fit them within the margins of the page.
To create columns of unequal size, drag the column guides using the Pointer tool to the
positions you want.

Note. If the columns are set in a Master page, they will appear on all the pages of the

Moving and locking columns.

Moving columns.

1. To adjust column widths, simply drag the column guides.

The two lines forming the gutter between columns move together, and any text and graphics on the page will not be affected by dragging column guides.

Locking and unlocking column and ruler guides:

After setting up your columns, you can lock them in place to prevent accidental moving.

1. Click on View, then choose Lock Guides.