Moving and resizing a graphical object

Once you create a graphical object, you can adjust its size, shape, or location.

To move a graphical object:

1. Using the Pointer tool, click the graphic you want to modify to display the boundaries.
2. Point anywhere inside the object, and then drag to another location.

To resize a text or graphical object:

1. Using the Pointer tool, click to select the object.
2. Point to the selection handles displayed at the corners of the object, and then drag to the
required size.

Applying or changing stroke and fill

Once you create a graphical object, you can enhance it by applying stroke and fill.

A Stroke refers to a line style, while Fill refers to applying patterns such as shading or
background colour to an object.

To apply fill;

1. Using the Pointer tool, click to select the object you want to apply or change fill.
2. Click on Element, then point to Fill, then select the fill pattern you want to apply.

To apply stroke;

1. Select the object you want to apply or change stroke.
2. Click on Element, then point to Stroke, then select the line style or thickness you want to
apply for the line.

Note. To set the fill and stroke options, (e.g., to change the colour of Fill and line), click the Fill
and Stroke command on the Element menu to display a dialog box.

Applying rounded corners to rectangles and squares.
1. Select the rectangle or square whose corners you want to change.
2. Click on Element, then select Rounded Corners.
3. Select the corner style you want, then click OK.

Reshaping a polygon.
Once you draw a polygon, you can change it to another shape such as a triangle, pentagon,
hexagon, or even a star.

1. Select the polygon you want to reshape.
2. Double-click the selected polygon. PageMaker displays reshape placeholders.
3. Drag the vertical placeholders to the shape you want.

To set the number of sides or create a star;

1. Select the polygon you want to reshape.
2. Click on Element, then select Polygon Settings.
3. In the Polygon settings dialog box, type the number of sides you want (from 3 to 100).
4. To create a star, drag the scroll box to change the percentage value in the Star inset box.
A value of 0% means no star, while 100% represents a star whose vertices meet at the centre.
5. Click OK

Adding text into a text frame.  
You can create text by using a Text frame.  A Text frame is a graphical object used to create various shapes of text objects.  

Text frames do not change height or width as you add or remove text. 

Method 1:  

1. Draw a frame using any of the frame tools that defines the shape you want the text block to take, e.g., Rectangle frame, Ellipse frame, or Polygon frame.  
Select a drawn shape, click on Element, point to Frame, then choose Change to Frame.  

2. Click the Text tool, click in the frame, then type the text (or paste text from the clipboard). 

Method 2:  

1. Select a text block, hold down the SHIFT, and then select an empty frame. 
2. Click on Element, point to Frame, then click Attach Content. The text flows into the frame and the text block disappears.