Formatting refers to applying special attributes to text, graphical objects and pages in order to make them attractive & appealing to the eye.

Formatting may include; changing font size, bolding, changing text colour, adjusting picture brightness and contrast, and formatting columns on the page.

To display the Control palette;

1. Click on Window, then click Show Control Palette.

A – Apply button                  H - Type style
B – Character view               I - Case options
C – Font option                     J - Position buttons
D – Type size option              K - Leading option
E – Expert tracking option     L - Horizontal scale
F – Kerning option                 M - Baseline shift option
G - Paragraph view

The contents of the Control palette vary depending on which tool is selected from the toolbar.

There are 2 types of control palette modes:

1. Object mode.
Selecting a graphical object in object view, enables you to apply attributes related to the object such as rotating, moving, resizing, etc.

2. Text mode.
The Text mode can be selected by clicking the Character view or Paragraph view button.

There are 2 types of Text modes:

(i) Character view.
(ii) Paragraph view.

Character view is when the T tool on the control palette is selected. This means that, you can apply character attributes such as font type, size, or style (bold, italic or regular) to the selected text.

Paragraph view is when you select a paragraph, and then click the ¶ button below the T tool on the control palette. This means that, you can apply paragraph styles, select alignment options, and other paragraph attributes.

To format text:

1. Use the Text tool to select the text you want to format.
2. Click on Type, then choose the formatting attribute you want, i.e., font, size, alignment, type
style (bold, italic, underline).
In Character view, choose the formatting attribute you want from the Control palette.

Changing the font (typeface) of your text.

1. Select the text whose font you want to change.
2. Click on Type, select Font, then select the font you want to use from the list.

Changing the Size of characters.

It lets you specify the printed point size of the selected text.

1. Select the text whose size you want to change.
2. Click on Type, select Size, then click the size you want to use.

Making text Bold, Italic and Underlined.

1. Select the text you want to make bold, italic or underlined.
2. Click on Type, select Type Style, then click Bold, Italic, or Underline.
To remove bold, italic or underline from text, click Normal.

Note. To remove each of the above commands individually;

1. Select the text.
2. Click on Type, select Type Style, then click the item with a tick to deselect it.

Changing the Colour of text.

1. Select the text whose colour you want to change.
If the Colour palette if it is not displayed, click on Window, then choose Show Colors,
then click the Colors tab.
2. Select the colour you want to apply.

Changing the Leading.

Leading refers to the space between adjacent lines.

1. Select the text whose leading you want to change.
2. Click on Type, select Leading, then click the leading you want to use.
Note. The bigger the leading, the more the space between lines.

Changing the Tracking.

Tracking refers to changing the visual denseness or openness of characters in a line.

To change the distance between characters;

1. Select the text whose track you want to change.
2. On the Type menu, then select Expert Tracking.
3. Click the track you want to apply, i.e., No Track, Very loose, Loose, Tight or Very Tight.
Note. If the track is Very Loose, the characters are further apart.

Formatting text to superscript and subscript.

Superscript refers to text that is positioned slightly higher than the rest on the same line, e.g.,
3 in 103. Subscript refers to text slightly below the rest on the same line, e.g., the number 2
in H2O.

To format text to superscript or subscript;

1. Select the text you want to change to superscript or subscript.
2. Click on Type, then choose Character.
3. In the Character Specifications dialog box, select subscript or superscript from the Position list box. 4. Click OK.  

Note.  To remove the superscript or subscript format, select Normal from the Position list box

To format several text attributes at once.  

1. Using the Text tool, select the text you want to format. 
2. Click on Type, then choose Character. 
3. In the Character Specifications dialog box, select text attributes such as font, size, type style, colour, position (normal, subscript, superscript), case (normal, All caps, small caps), leading, or tracking.  
4. Click OK.  

Kerning of characters
Kerning refers to fixing of particular pairs of letters that are too close or too far apart from each other.  

To automatically kern a pair of characters;  
1. Select the text you want to kern. 
2. Click on Type, then choose Expert Kerning. 
3. In the Expert Kerning dialog box, click the appropriate slider button to make the text either tighter or looser. 
4. Click OK to apply.  

Changing the Case of a given text.  

This allows you to change a typed text into capitals or small letters.  

1. Select the text whose case you want to change. 
2. Click on Utilities, point to Plug-ins, then click Change Case.  The Change Case dialog box is displayed. 
3. Select the case option you want, e.g., lowercase, uppercase, sentence case, title case, or toggle case, then click Apply to preview the change. 
4. Choose OK to close the dialog box.  

Applying a Drop Cap to a given text.  Drop cap refers to text formatting where the first character in a line is bigger and drops down to occupy the space in the next lines.  

To apply a drop cap;  
1. Select the first character of your paragraph. 
2. Click on Utilities, point to Plug-ins, then click on Drop Cap. 
3. Specify the number of lines you want the character to occupy in the Size box, and then click Apply to preview the format. 
4. Click Close.  
To remove the dropped capital, display the Drop cap dialog box, then click Remove.  

Counting characters in your document.  
1. Click in the document whose characters, paragraphs, sentences, etc you want to count.  
To count a specific text, select the text. 
2. Click on Utilities, point to Plug-ins, then click Word Counter.