This refers to formatting the whole page. It may include setting column guides, page numbering, adding headers and footers, etc.

Working with Non-printing guides & rulers.

Nonprinting guides are lines that help the user to position objects on a page, but do not appear in print.

There are 3 kinds of nonprinting guides:

1). Margin guides,
2). Column guides, and
3). Ruler guides.


Margins are defined in the Document Setup dialog box when you first create a publication, and
are applied to the Document Master page.

To change the Document Master margins use the File - Document Setup command.

Column guides

Column guides are non-printing lines that serve as boundaries for text you place within them.

A column is the area between the margins. Columns control the flow of text in text blocks that you place automatically and also help position text and graphics.

Ruler guides

Ruler guides are non-printing lines that help you align items or objects on a page accurately.
However, they don't control the flow of text.

To display or hide the margin, column, or ruler guides on the page:

1. Click on View, then select the guide to display or hide. If an item has a tick, it means it is displayed.

To force objects you move or resize to align with the nearest guide:

1. Click on View, then choose Snap to Guides.