To print page numbers in a PageMaker publication, add a page-number marker (a special character) that keeps track of the order of pages in the publication and ensures that each page is numbered correctly at all times.
To add page numbers to a publication:
1. Turn to a master page or to a publication page by clicking its icon.
2. Using the Text tool, click the position on the page where you want the page number to appear.
3. Press Ctrl + Alt + P.
On the master pages, a page-number marker (LM for a left master page, RM for a right master page or single page master) indicates where page numbers will appear.
4. Use the Text tool to select and format the text as desired.
Changing the page number style:
Normally, PageMaker applies the Arabic page numbering style, i.e., 1, 2, 3 …
To change the style;
1. Click on File, then choose Document Setup, then click Numbers button.
Select the numbering style you want to use, e.g., Arabic numerals, Roman numerals, or letters of the alphabet.
2. Click OK.
Specifying the starting page number:
Pages are numbered starting from 1. To specify a different starting point;
1. Click on File, then choose Document Setup.
2. Type the starting page number in Start Page #. If the publication is part of a book, click Restart Page Numbering.
Moving between pages in a publication.
You can easily move from one page to another when you are working on a publication with
multiple pages.
To move to a particular page;
1. Click on Layout, then select Go To Page (or press CTRL+‟G‟).
2. Type the page number you want to go to, then click OK.
To move to the previous page or the next page, press Page Up, or Page Down key. To jump
to the first page, or last page, press Home or End key.
Adding new pages to a publication.
1. Move to where you want to insert pages.
2. Click on Layout, then select Insert Pages.
3. Type the number of pages you want to add, and select a location to specify where the inserted pages should be placed, i.e., Before, After or Between the current pages.
4. Click Insert.
Deleting/removing specific pages.
1. Click on Layout, then select Remove Pages.
2. Type the range of pages you want to remove, then click OK.
The specified pages together with their content will be removed.
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