SmartArt helps you show information using graphics instead of just text. It has many styles to display different ideas.
How to Insert a SmartArt Graphic
- Click where you want to add the SmartArt.
- Go to the Insert tab and click SmartArt in the Illustrations group.
- A box will appear. Choose a category on the left. Then, pick a SmartArt graphic and click OK.
- The SmartArt graphic will appear in your document.
How to Add Text to SmartArt
- Click the SmartArt graphic. A text pane will appear on the left. If it doesn't, click the small arrow on the left side.
- Type your text next to the bullets. The text will show inside the shapes. It will resize automatically.
- You can also type directly inside a shape. This is useful when adding text to a few shapes. However, for complex graphics, the text pane is easier.
How to Reorder, Add, and Delete Shapes
You can change the order, add, or delete shapes easily. This works like making an outline with bullet points.
- Demote a shape: Select a bullet and press Tab. The shape moves down one level.
- Promote a shape: Select a bullet and press Backspace (or Shift+Tab). The shape moves up one level.
- Add a new shape: Place the cursor after a bullet, then press Enter. A new bullet and shape will appear.
- Delete a shape: Press Backspace until the bullet is gone. The shape will be removed.
Organizing SmartArt from the Design Tab
Instead of using the text pane, you can arrange SmartArt from the Design tab.
- Promote/Demote: Move a shape up or down a level.
- Move Up/Move Down: Change the order of shapes at the same level.
- Add Shape: Add a new shape. Click the drop-down arrow for more options.
Some commands may not work with certain layouts.
Customizing SmartArt
You can change the look of SmartArt using the Design and Format tabs.
- Change Style: Pick a new style from the SmartArt Styles group.
- Change Colors: Click Change Colors and choose a color scheme.
- Customize Shapes: Click any shape and use the Format tab to edit it.
Changing SmartArt Layout
You can change the layout anytime to better organize your information.
- Go to the Design tab and click the More drop-down arrow in the Layouts group.
- Pick a layout or click More Layouts for extra options.
- The new layout will appear.
If the new layout is very different, some text may be lost. Always check before switching.
SmartArt makes it easy to display ideas visually. Try different styles and layouts to find what works best!
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