Adding text to a PageMaker publication.

Text can be entered into a PageMaker publication in 2 main ways:

1). Typing the text directly into a page.
2). Importing the text from another program.

Method 1: Typing text directly into the page.

1. Click the Text tool (T) from the toolbox. The pointer turns into an I-beam (insertion point).
2. Click at the point where you want to insert text on the page, then type the text.
Drag a rectangular area to define a text block or text frame, then type the text.

A text frame defines the space you want the text to occupy. It confines the text to the area you‟ve selected.

3. To display the boundaries of the text block you‟ve created, select the Pointer tool and click
anywhere in the text.

Method 2: Pasting text from another Window-based program.

1. Select the text you want to copy, e.g., in Microsoft Word.
2. Click on Edit, then choose Copy.
3. Switch to the PageMaker program, e.g., using ALT+TAB.
4. Click to place the insertion point where the pasted text should start.
5. Click on Edit menu, then choose Paste.

Changing the view of a Page.

After typing text into a PageMaker publication, you may need to increase or decrease the page
view to see either all the text and graphics or to magnify a portion of the page.

1. Click in the text or select the graphic you want to see clearly so that when you magnify, it comes to the center of the screen
2. Click on View menu, then choose:
(a). Actual Size - to see text and graphics as they will appear when printed.
(b). Fit in Window - to check the overall composition of a page or a two-page spread.


(c). Choose Zoom To, then click the desired view from the list that appears, e.g., 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%, etc.  

(d). Entire Pasteboard - to view objects on the pasteboard.  Selecting text in a PageMaker publication. All text in PageMaker is contained either in text blocks or in text frames.

Selecting text in a PageMaker publication. 

All text in PageMaker is contained either in text blocks or in text frames.  

Method 1: Selecting text using the Text tool (T).  

When the text is selected using the Text tool, you can type, edit or change the text attributes, e.g., Bold, Underline, etc.  

1. Select the Text tool from the toolbox. 

2. Move the cursor to the beginning of the text to be worked on, then drag the I-beam to select a range of text.  Alternatively;  

 To select a word, double-click the word. 

 To select an entire paragraph, triple-click the paragraph.  

3. Choose the desired command to apply to the text.  

Method 2: Selecting text using the Pointer tool ().  

The Pointer tool is used to select a text block.  When you click the text using the Pointer tool, a line appears at the top and at the bottom of the text block.  

This method is used if you want to: 

 Move the text block. 

 Change the size of the text block. 

 Delete the text block.  

Method 3: Using the Select All command.  

This selects all the objects and/or text in a text block.  

1. Using the Text tool, click anywhere inside the text block. 

2. On the Edit menu, click Select All (or press CTRL+‟A‟). 

To deselect, click an empty part of the page (or choose Deselect All from the Edit menu).  

Selecting objects.  

(a). To select a single object, click the object with the Pointer tool to display the object's border.  
(b). To add objects to a selection, hold down SHIFT as you click other objects.  
(c). To select several objects at once, drag the pointer tool around multiple objects. Make sure you include each object's bounding box (as indicated by its selection handles).  

(d). To select an object underneath another object on the same layer, press CTRL and click the object you want to selec